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Teaching participatory practice as the best way to advocate for just, equitable communities

Most students gain professional experience and make a difference while attending Pratt Institute. UPM studios tackle real problems on behalf of community clients. Courses are taught at night, and our practicing professors provide a wealth of contacts and references. The great majority of students obtain relevant internships and jobs at national organizations like Projects for Public Spaces, local civic organizations like the NYC Environmental Justice Alliance, community organizations like El Puente, agencies like the NYC Department of Transportation, and private entities such as Jonathan Rose Companies. In particular, the GCPE programs are closely allied with the Pratt Center for Community Development, perhaps the nation’s leading university-based activist and urban planning research organization, with as many as ten Fellows working at the Center annually.


PlaceDialoguesis an edited journal of essay by students, faculty and alumni of Pratt that address the question of Place. PlaceDialogues provides a portal for information on the subject of placemaking, and a vehicle for discussing ongoing work performed by Urban Placemaking and Management MS students, faculty and professionals. We hope it starts a conversation and sets the parameters for what we hope will be a series of publications.