Chris Alen Sula
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs

Chris Alen Sula is Associate Provost for Academic Affairs at Pratt Institute, with primary responsibilities for curriculum, assessment, and accreditation. He is also tenured Associate Professor in the School of Information, where he founded the MS Program in Data Analytics & Visualization and Advanced Certificate in Digital Humanities. His research publications focus on digital humanities, information visualization, and the ethics of data/technology.
Chris is co-editor of Lateral, the peer-reviewed open access journal of the Cultural Studies Association; the edited volume Cultural Studies in the Interregnum (Temple University Press, 2025); and the open-access series Emergent Ideas: Lateral Books in Cultural Studies (Amherst College Press). He served as president of Pratt’s Academic Senate from 2016–2022 and as chair of the HASTAC 2023 Conference “Critical Making & Social Justice” hosted at Pratt.
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PhD, Philosophy, The Graduate Center, City University of New York. Doctoral Certificate in Instructional Technology and Pedagogy.
MPhil, Philosophy, The Graduate Center, CUNY
BA, Philosophy & English, Augustana College
Publications and Projects
“Training Information Professionals in the Digital Humanities: An Analysis of DH Courses in LIS Education,” with Claudia Berger. College & Research Libraries 84(5) (2023),
“Countermapping Plants and Indigenous Lifeways in North America: A Case Study of Tending to Turtle Island,” with Claudia Berger, Mickey Dennis, Kelli Hayes, Jiyoung Lee, and Blair Talbot in Routledge Handbook of the Digital Environmental Humanities, edited by Charles Travis, Robert Legg, Luke Bergmann, Arlene Crampsie, and Deborah Dixon. Routledge (2022): 126–42,
“Digital Humanities in the iSchool,” John A. Walsh, Peter J. Cobb, Wayne de Fremery, Koraljka Golub, Humphrey Keah, Jeonghyun Kim, Joseph Kiplang’at, Ying-Hsang Liu, Simon Mahony, Sam G. Oh, Chris Alen Sula, Ted Underwood, and Xiaoguang Wang. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (2021).
“The Early History of Digital Humanities: An Analysis of Computers and the Humanities (1966–2004) and Literary and Linguistic Computing (1986–2004)” with Heather V. Hill. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (2019).
“Visualizing Identities in LIS Literature” with S. E. Hackney, Dinah Handel, Bianca Hezekiah, Jessica Hochman, and Amy Lau. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 59(1–2) (2018).
“Digital Humanities” in Sage Encyclopedia of the Internet, 3rd edition, ed. Barney Warf (2018).
“A Survey of Digital Humanities Programs” with S. E. Hackney and Philip Cunningham. Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy 11 (2017).
“Research Ethics in an Age of Big Data.” Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology 42(2) (2016): 17–21.
“Citations, Contexts, and Humanistic Discourse: Toward Automatic Extraction and Classification” with Matthew Miller. Literary and Linguistic Computing 29(3) (2014): 452–464.
“Digital Humanities and Libraries: A Conceptual Model.” Journal of Library Administration 53(1) (2013): 10–26.