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Mission and Outcomes

various artworks, on wall

Pratt Foundation is a yearlong experience that transforms incoming students into an inclusive community of aspiring artists and designers. Immersive studio courses introduce fundamental concepts through individual and collaborative creative processes. This year of interdisciplinary research and experimentation prepares students to enter specialized majors, fosters self-discovery and social engagement, and instills a practice of seeing and critical inquiry that will endure throughout their lives.

Foundation Outcomes

Upon completion of the Foundation year students will demonstrate knowledge and ability in the following:

  • Core Concepts and Language
    Gain fluency in use and understanding of fundamental visual principles and elements, such as: color, form, line, shape, space, time, texture, value, balance, emphasis, repetition, rhythm, scale, variety, unity, sequencing, and point of view.
  • Making
    Experiment with conceptual strategies, analogue and digital tools, and iterative processes to achieve intended outcomes and inform unexpected solutions.
  • Inquiry
    Develop conceptually rigorous works through research, ideation, and exploration of cultural and historical sources.
  • Reflection
    Analyze and evaluate one’s own work and the work of others through speaking and writing.
  • Synthesis
    Apply knowledge and experience to assigned and self-directed projects through sustained intellectual and visual process.
  • Community
    Responsibly engage both independently and collaboratively with one’s faculty, class, cohort, and larger communities to promote safety, sustainability, and sensitivity in the 21st century classroom.