Ward Dennis
Visiting Assistant Professor

Ward Dennis is a partner at Higgins Quasebarth & Partners, a preservation consulting firm specializing in the restoration, rehabilitation and adaptive use of historic properties throughout New York City. Ward’s work combines his training and background in materials conservation, urban history and land-use planning. He specializes in federal tax credit and local landmarks review, including design consultation on new buildings in historic districts and additions to historic buildings. From 2008 through 2016 he was an adjunct assistant professor in the historic preservation program at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, and lectures at other local schools on historic preservation and other matters.
Ward is a founding member of Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park and currently serves on FBIP’s steering committee. He is a board member of (and past co-chair) of Neighbors Allied for Good Growth (NAG), the Open Space Alliance for North Brooklyn and sits on the Preservation Committee of the Municipal Art Society. From 2003 until 2012 he served on Community Board #1 in Brooklyn. He was a member of CB1“s ad hoc task force for the 2005 waterfront zoning and was chair of CB1“s Land Use Committee from 2006 through 2011. In the latter capacity, he guided the community’s response to the 2008 contextual rezoning of 190 blocks of Greenpoint and Williamsburg, the 2008 Kedem Winery rezoning, and the 2010 Rose Plaza and Domino rezonings, among others.
BA Geography, Columbia College
MS Historic Preservation, Columbia University GSAPP