Ronald Shiffman
Visiting Professor

Ron Shiffman is a city planner with over 50 years of experience providing architectural, planning, community economic development and sustainable development assistance to community-based groups in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. In 1964, Ron Shiffman co-founded the Pratt Institute Center for Community and Environmental Development [PICCED], which is today the oldest continuously operated university-based community design and development center in the United States.
He is presently organizing and directing Pratt Institute School of Architecture’s coordinated effort to assist in the rebuilding effort after Hurricane Sandy entitled “Rebuild, Adapt, Mitigate and Plan” and has forged cooperative relationships between RAMP and many of the affected communities, the AIA, the APA and a number of regional and international universities such as the University of Pennsylvania, the College of Staten Island, the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu and the the International University of Catalonia, Spain.
He is a tenured professor at Pratt Institute’s School of Architecture where he chaired the Department of City and Regional Planning from 1991 to 1999. He was appointed to the NYC Planning Commission by Mayor David Dinkins and served on the Planning Commission from 1990-1996. He retired as Director of PICCED in July 2003 and is now a full time faculty member.
B.S.Arch., M.S.C.R.P., Pratt Institute.