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Heather Lewis



Heather Lewis teaches New York City’s Youth: A Historical Perspective which examines the continuities and discontinuities in the solutions to inequality across key reform eras. Her historical research, which explores the intersection of urban social movements and institutional reform, informs her teaching. Lewis also conducts research on teaching, learning and assessment. Publications include: Heather Lewis, New York City Public Schools from Brownsville to Bloomberg: The Community Control Movement and its Legacy, New York: Teachers College Press, 2013; Future Teachers and Historical Habits of Mind: A Pedagogical Case Study. History of Education Quarterly, Volume 56:2 (February, 2016); Assessment by Design: Scaling up by Thinking Small. In Reframing Quality Assurance in Creative Disciplines, edited by Joseph M. Hoey IV and Jill L. Ferguson, 107-116. Champaign, Illinois: Common Ground Publishing, 2015.

Ph.D. History of Education, New York University.