Internal Job Listings
Pratt Institute timekeeping is managed by the UKG Ready (formerly Kronos) application. All time-off requests should be made using UKG Ready (formerly Kronos), and time should be entered on a weekly basis by Friday of every week.
Performance Management
Annual performance evaluations are due during August. Employees are required to complete a self-evaluation that involves answering a handful of questions about the employee’s personal perspective of their performance, accomplishments, and future goals. The employee’s manager will review the self-evaluation and work to incorporate it into the employee’s annual review.
As a reminder, once you submit your review or your self-evaluation and you have had your meeting with your manager/team member, please remember after that meeting to make any agreed-upon changes to the manager review or self-evaluation.
The next step is for both the staff member and manager to finalize each of their documents once any agreed-upon changes are made. This step allows the self-evaluation and manager review to be combined, and goals are loaded into the system for next year. Failure to do this critical step will result in an incomplete review that will be loaded into the Docuware system with no goals transferring into the next year.
To finalize your review, both staff and managers should click on the blue “Make Edits/Finalize” as seen below in the system.

Once both the manager and staff member have finalized the review documents, they will see this within 24 hours:

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this process by reaching out to us at or calling us directly at 718.636.3787.
Pratt offers a plethora of training options to all employees. Those options should be discussed with your manager.
Employee benefits take effect the first of the month following a full 30 days of employment. For more detail, please refer to the benefits section.