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Rick Longo

Vice President for Enrollment Management


An alumnus of Pratt, Rick Longo brings over 30 years of management experience in higher education, the arts, and community organizations to his role as vice president for enrollment management. In this position, Longo serves as the senior administrator responsible for enrollment marketing, recruitment, the Institute’s financial aid strategies, and admissions processes.

Prior to joining Pratt, Rick initially served as the vice president for enrollment management & student affairs at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, where he provided general oversight of the offices of admissions, student financial services, residential life, student activities, health & counseling services, academic advisement, and career services. Longo’s position eventually expanded to include academic operations, forging a partnership with the vice president for academic affairs to reimagine the notion of “enrollment management” as one that more intentionally united all facets of a college campus in support of student success and the institution’s enrollment and retention goals.

In addition, Rick has worked for 4 other regionally accredited, independent colleges of art in the United States. He served as executive vice president at Montserrat College of Art, vice president for enrollment management at Maine College of Art; executive director of admissions and student services at the School of Visual Art in New York; director of admissions at the Swain School of Design (now part of UMass Dartmouth); and assistant director of admissions at Pratt Institute. Longo has served as executive director of the River Tree Arts Center in Kennebunk, ME; manager of public programs at The Brooklyn Museum of Art; and director of community-based services for older adults for Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY.

Rick earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Communication Design from Pratt Institute and has done graduate work (non-degree) in Education and Art History at Brooklyn College. He has held memberships in the National Association of College Admissions Counselors, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, and the College Board. He has served on committees and juries for the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design, the National Art Educators Association, and Scholastic Art & Writing Awards and has presented on the topics of portfolio development at conferences and workshops across the United States. Rick has taught studio art at the Georgia Fine Arts Academy and The Brooklyn Museum and has worked in a volunteer capacity for the community-based arts organizations Artists for Humanity and Raw Art Works.