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Joshua Trees

Associate Professor


Josh works at the intersection of creative computing, experimental publishing and social practice. His research focuses on open, collaborative and generative modes of cultural production such as commoning, critical making, queer hacking and FLOSS (free/libre/open-source software).

At Pratt, Josh is currently developing new curriculums that position artists and designers as researchers. He is co-leading the Graduate Inquiries Exhibition and building inclusive spaces and tools for centering the margins and expanding the histories and futures of art and design education.

Previously, Josh was a core faculty member of the Royal College of Art, University of the Arts London, and ArtCenter College of Design, as well as a visiting lecturer at Bath School of Art and Design, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Dutch Art Institute, Vilnius Academy of Arts, San Francisco Art Institute, and University of California Los Angeles.

Josh is a recipient of Google’s Artist + Machine Intelligence Research Awards, and a Typographer-in-Residence at ArtCenter’s Hoffmitz Milken Center for Typography.

Josh’s work has been published and exhibited widely, notably the guest design of Emigre #59, part of the permanent collections of the Denver Art Museum, Design Museum London, Letterform Archive, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, MOMA and SFMoMA.

Commissions include: Arkitip, Edwin, Emigre, The Face, Giorgio Camuffo, GLBT Historical Society, MTV, Nike, Urban Outfitters and Wieden+Kennedy.

MFA New Genres, San Francisco Art Institute