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Frank Franca

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Frank Franca

Photographer, Creative Director, Curator, Educator:

Published in: Aperture,  ID/ViceArtForum, Art in America, Vogue, Details, W, The New York Times Magazine, The Village Voice, Le Monde (Paris), The African Sun (Cairo), The Guardian (London), Photo (Japan), Die Ziet (Germany); and others

Exhibitions include: Royal Festival Hall (London), Studio Galleria (Budapest), Institutes for Contemporary Art: Kaliningrad and Ekaterinberg (Russia), the International Center of Photography, Hamburg House of Photography; and others

Was a member of the Visual AIDS Artist Caucus’ creators of The Red Ribbon international symbol of AIDS awareness, and Electric Blanket, a public art AIDS activist projected installation displayed throughout the world (MoMA, High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Philadelphia Museum of Art, and others);

Faculty member at the International Center of Photography; founding faculty of ICP @ The Point;

Recipient of the 2006 President’s Committee on the Arts Award; grants include: Citizen Exchange Council, Arts Link, The British Council; lectured at the School of Visual Arts, The Cooper Union, the Studio (Moscow), Dumb Type (Japan), and Milch (London); formerly London correspondent for Fairchild Media.

B.F.A. Filmmaking, New York University Tisch School of the Arts.