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May 17, 2021

Dear Students,

As we prepare to celebrate our class of 2021 graduates, I want to congratulate our extraordinary community of teachers and students, artists, investigators, researchers, creators all. You have posited real solutions to issues around a pandemic, racial injustice, equity, and engagement. As you leave for the summer, you carry with you new models for building relationships, environments, policies, and most importantly, for making an impact.  

The fall will bring our entire community back in a way that is both familiar and newly discovered, combining modes of learning, communicating, and building. We have continued to enhance our listening and our tools for incredible experiments rooted in design, reflective practice, access, and ethics.

I wish the best to our graduates. And to all, have an incredible summer. I look forward to seeing you in August!

Be safe, be well.

Frances Bronet

Frances Bronet Signature

Frances Bronet