America was founded on the premise that all we needed was an axe and ox. We went into the wild, felled trees, built cabins, then cleared and plow the land.
The Liquid Villa proposes that we return to the essence of survival and in another way. The Liquid Villa combines a variety of systems that produce sustainable energy, resources and jobs. It is comprised of Algaery, Broilery, Fishery, Brewery/Winery, Culinary, Greenery. The algaery is an integral part of the architecture of the pharm. All of the walls and ceilings produce algae. After a few days the algae waste is send to the Broilery for processing and drying.
The Broilery
It is the most important invention within the pharm complex. The Broilery flows on the surface of the solar pond. It’s caisson becomes the tank for the processing of biofuel, ethanol, and the algae cake. The solar pond is the sine qua non of the pharm complex, without it nothing works. The many functions of the pond are drying the algae, drying the grape into raisin, using the tanks to create biofuel, ethanol. Other uses are for soups, purees, jams, jells, and for many processes of the winery and brewery. The solar and polar ponds are the pillars that support the entire complex of occupiable occupation.
The Fishery
Small scale fishery failed because of the cost of fish food. The algae cake that we are now creating is excellent low cost fish food. Because of this we have an income producing industry. The tanks are at lower level which gives us access for draining and cleaning in the cellar below.
The Brewery-Winery
The Brewery and winery use the same processes that produce biofuels. The enormous amounts of grapes that are produce in the vinery which exist in the trusses create another industry for the occupants.
The Greenery
Without the greenery we are dependent on the city for its sewer water management facility. Because of condensation transformation the pharm creates its own climate and allows us to create plant hyacinth, fragmitti, and daphnia which in time purify human and animal waste. The soil pipes can drain directly into the greenery, where composting continumeytl occurs. A vital part of the complex is the Hivery, Wormery, and Insectrary that help to pollinate the plants and enrich the soil.