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Western Connecticut State University, Emma Johnson, Capstone, Spring 2023

title slide for a capstone project. it reads,
Slide titled, Project Understanding and Approach, which outlines the project and the different stakeholders.
slide titled,
A slide showing the existing structure of the Newbury Wellness Center. It reads,
a schematic showing the elevation plan of the existing building the the new construction.
a slide introducing the firm that put together this presentation.
A slide breaking down the organizational chart of the company.
A slide showing the milestones of the project.
A chart showing a two-week ahead timetable.
A chart breaking down staffing and hours.
A chart showing summary estimate of cost of services and goods.
A site logistic plan for phase 1 showing the site plans.
A site logistic plan for phase 2 showing the site plans.
A site logistic plan for phase 3 showing the site plans and that phase 3 includes the interior fit-out.
A site logistic plan for phase 4 showing the site plans.
A slide showing emergency contacts and security contacts for the Construction Site Safety Plan.

Proposal for Western Connecticut State University Newbury Hall Student Health and Wellness Center Addition.

December 5, 2022