Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Steuben County, NY

Cover page of capstone report

Poster for Pratt Show
By: Cristina M. Pastore, MS Sustainable Environmental Systems Date GSEF Grant Awarded: Spring 2019 Description: Cristina Pastore’s capstone project analyzed the state of the solid waste management (SWM) practices in the villages of Painted Post and Riverside, New York (and the regional context) as well as explored the benefits of encouraging and motivating the community members to more actively participate in sustainable solid waste management practices. At the time, both villages did not have solid waste pick-up service and as a result the residents and local business were responsible for managing their own waste by either taking it to a solid waste transfer station and/or landfills, or hiring a private collection service.Without the proper awareness of sustainable practices, this can often times result in inappropriate or even unlawful disposal of solid waste. Pastore’s capstone project analyzed the topic of SWM in these municipalities and more specifically focused on strategies to raise awareness of this issue among community members, motivating them to more actively participate in sustainable SWM practices.If you would like to review the capstone report please reach out to