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Good Neighbors II

Research Open House 2021

Karen Kubey
School of Design, Interior Design
Seed Grant 2019-2020

A number of students at the University of Oregon were involved with this work, during my 2019-20 Faculty Fellowship in Design for Spatial Justice. Their names are included in the video presentation.

The continuation of this research is for Good Neighbors II, a comprehensive guide to affordable housing design in the U.S. and update to the seminal 1997 volume of the same title.

The book and accompanying online resource will showcase exemplary affordable housing case studies from across the country and will revisit selected projects from the original publication. Good Neighbors II will address architects, developers, students, and communities considering affordable housing developments in their neighborhoods, and will examine the role of below-market housing in promoting health equity and economic, racial, and environmental justice.

More information on the grant Ms. Kubey received, which assisted in continuing this research. She also participated in the Good Neighbors Design Week Portland , which occurred virtually in September 2020.