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Curative: The Atelier of an Artificially Intelligent Artist

Research Open House 2022

Varnika Kundu, MID ’22 and Jay Jeon, MFA Digital Arts ’23
Sophia Sobers
Luisa Charles, Royal College of Art, Primary Investigator
School of Design
School of Art

Curative is a mixed reality experience exploring computational creativity, authorship, and encoded accountability.

Who is the author of AI generated artwork? And who owns the passive data people shed simply by engaging with the internet? Curative transports you to the atelier of an artificially intelligent artist, allowing you to co-create a piece of artwork that exists at the intersections of the physical and digital worlds.

colorful image of digitally rendered art by artificial intelligence
The atelier of an artificially intelligent artist called Curative
image of three artwork samples created by Curative.
Visitors leave with three pieces of unique AI artwork created in response to the initial quiz answers.