Account from Bruce Hannah

“Teachers have a way of always remaining teachers. Even when you’re not sure you know what they are talking about, they surprise you by understanding what you’re trying to achieve—even when you may not fully understand it yourself. They also invariably show up at functions when you least expect them.
“Rowena Reed Kostellow is my teacher. At 88 she still astounds and confounds me. Fifteen years ago, at the introduction of the ‘easy’ chair, she did a short interview with me and Andrew Morrison concerning the chair’s design. Glowing criticism emanated from her lips as she proceeded to expound on the wonders of her students. The interview ended, the crowd dispersed and Rowena was gone.
“About half an hour later I felt a tug on my sleeve. It was Rowena. ‘Bruce,’” she said, ‘the rear curve of the arm is okay, but the front needs a little work.’ It still needs a little work, 15 years later, but now I think I know what she meant!”
—Bruce Hannah, BID 1963; Professor Emeritus, Industrial Design