Exchange Program: Berlin University of the Arts

Apply Now to Berlin University of the Arts
The Universität der Künste Berlin, UdK (Berlin University of the Arts), is the largest art school in Europe. It is a public art school, and the smallest of the four universities in the city. The university is known for being one of the biggest, most diversified and traditional universities of the arts world-wide. It has four colleges specializing in fine arts, architecture, media and design, music and the performing arts with around 3,600 students. Thus the UdK is one of only three universities in Germany (along with the University of the Arts Bremen and the Folkwang University of the Arts) to unite the faculties of art and music in one institution. The teaching offered at the four colleges encompasses the full spectrum of the arts and related academic studies in more than 40 courses.
Majors Accepted (Spring Semester Only)
- Fine Arts
- Communication Design
- Industrial Design