Policy Regarding Changes to the Colleague ERP
Effective May 14, 2010, Enterprise Systems requires that all requests for updates to the Colleague system be formally made through the Service Desk. These requests will fall into two ticket categories:
Effective May 14, 2010, Enterprise Systems requires that all requests for updates to the Colleague system be formally made through the Service Desk. These requests will fall into two ticket categories:
- Setting/Parameter update Request – this is the ticket type used if the default actions of a screen, report or process are guided by settings that need to be updated (like the default fiscal year, the default catalog year, a validation table, etc.).
- Custom Programming Request – this is the ticket type used for requests to create a new screen, process or report within the Colleague system.
Upon receipt of the request, ES staff will evaluate the request to determine the following (if the request is received by email, paper memo, meeting or voice mail, ES staff will record the request as a ticket):
- If the parameter/setting exists already but might be more effectively handled outside of the Colleague system, plans may be made to move the process out of the system to another in support of a write once/read many philosophy designed to minimize direct access to sensitive data.
- If the screen, process, or report already exists but the user does not have access, a determination will be made to grant access with proper training.
- If it is determined that the request is for a completely new process, report, screen or data item, a determination will be made by ES staff as to the format of the new item.
- ES will create additional ticket categories as needed to track the results of the evaluations and re-categorization of the tickets. All custom work, including documentation and training, will be noted in the ticketing system.