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Disposal or Repurposing of Technology Equipment




At the end of the accepted lifecycle, specified by the IT division, all Institute-owned technology equipment, untagged or tagged with property identification tags, should be properly decommissioned prior to repurposing or disposal. IT will then coordinate with Facilities Management and their electronics recycling/disposal vendor for proper removal of all equipment that has been deemed to be at the end of its useful service cycle. All technology reallocations or relocations, whether for academic or administrative use, must be submitted to the division of Information Technology (IT) for review and approval via Technology Desk request.

Out of Warranty Computers

Departments should contact IT for computer replacement when Staff-assigned computers are nearing or at the end of the warranty period.  When a computer is replaced due to an expired warranty and still able to accept OS and security updates, Pratt IT may choose to repurpose these machines at their sole discretion, with the criteria being that it not be reassigned to any Staff member as their primary work device.

Departments are made aware that if they receive or are returned a recommissioned machine that is out of warranty, support for warranty covered issues will not be available. If the machine is no longer usable or breaks, we will attempt to replace it if there is another eligible machine in stock. If not, departments will be required to purchase a new machine. The broken machine should be returned to the Technology Desk for proper disposal.

If a device is out of warranty and unable to accept OS and security updates these machines will be disposed of appropriately via e-waste recycling.

Out of Warranty Peripherals

Examples:Printers/Scanners/Cameras/Docking stations

All peripherals that are out of warranty and/or no longer usable will be disposed of via e-waste recycling.

End of Lifecycle Datacenter & Network Equipment

Depending on the role and criticality of the system or device it may be determined to be at the end of its lifecycle. At such time all storage devices should be properly wiped or destroyed in accordance with Cyber Security requirements. Where appropriate, components may be retained as spare parts for repair or replacement of production equipment. Disposal of datacenter and network equipment may take the form of e-waste, donation, or credit/resale via a buyer authorized by IT and Finance divisions. Financial and budgetary details of such transactions to be coordinated through the IT Department of Budget & Administration.

Effective Date5/15/2013
Last Modified Date2/27/2023
Number of Revisions2
Department/ContactInformation Technology,