College Factual has ranked Pratt Institute the top college in the country in the General Architecture and Design and Applied Arts categories, and fifth for Film, Video, and Photographic Arts, in its 2018 rankings. College Factual is a leading source of college data analytics and insights and is dedicated to helping parents and students find the right college. The rankings are based on factors such as student body caliber and educational resources, and outcomes including graduation rates and post-graduation earnings.

According to the 2018 rankings, Pratt Institute is ranked among the top one percent of schools for visual arts and design in the country and among the top five percent for architecture and fine art.

In the category of “Best for General Architecture,” Pratt was rated first out of 93 colleges nationwide, up from 6th in the 2017 rankings. Pratt’s architecture program has also been ranked first out of nine in the state of New York, advancing from its previous ranking of 2nd.

The Institute was ranked first in the listing of “Best for Design and Applied Arts” out of 217 peer institutions nationwide, up from 3rd in the 2017 rankings.

In the category of “Best for Film, Video, and Photographic Arts,” Pratt was ranked 5th out of 127 colleges in the country, rising from 10th in the 2017 rankings. 

See the full rankings for General Architecture, Design and Applied Arts, and Film, Video, and Photographic Arts. Learn more about College Factual