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Virtual Green Week 2020

April 19, 2020 All Day

The Center for Sustainable Design Strategies (CSDS) and Pratt Sustainability Coalition proudly present Virtual Green Week 2020.

This year, Pratt’s 15th Annual Green Week aligns with the 50th Annual Earth Day Initiatives starting April 19, 2020. We are excited to share work from the School of Architecture, Art, Design, Foundation, and Continuing and Professional Studies to celebrate how Pratt faculty and students have integrated sustainability in their classes.

The set of design proposals, presentations, and research can be found in Faculty Submissions, Student Work Submissions, Pecha Kucha Presentations and Pratt Sustainability Initiatives.

“I would like to extend a big ‘thank you’ to all faculty and students who have contributed to the Virtual Green Week this year. This would not have been possible without their generous support and hard work,” Tetsu Ohara, adjunct associate professor of interior design.

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