To Live in the Imagination: Pratt Photography MFA Alumni Exhibition
June 28 – August 31, 2024 All Day
Pratt Manhattan Gallery
Organized by Sara VanDerBeek
June 28 – August 31, 2024
Opening Reception: Thursday, June 27, 2024, 6-8pm
To live in the imagination, as an artist in the 21st century, is a dream and an imperative. In this time of increased imaging and rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, how do artists working with photography continue to imagine, experiment, and explore this essential form of communication?
Organized as a conversation between seven 2021–2023 alumni of Pratt Institute’s nascent Photography MFA program and a selection of singular works by the six graduates of the class of 2024, To Live in the Imagination presents a continuum of practices from an evolving cohort of artists in dialogue across disciplines, sites, and experiences. Existential essentials—such as memory, landscape, home, family, and the body—are shared subjects of inquiry and exploration among many of the included artists, while others address the shifting field of photographic representation. Throughout the exhibition, care and criticality are of equal importance.
Stephanie Espinoza
Rachel Handlin
Katharina Kiefert
Ethan Li
Megan Mack in collaboration with Abby Waters
Kristina Naso
Chloe Scout Nix
Erin O’Flynn
Jan Rattia
Kunwar Prithvi Singh Rathore
Lena Smart
Baillie Vensel
Jingge Zhang