PRATT SESSIONS 17: Hernan Diaz Alonso + Eva Franch i Gilabert + David Erdman
November 7, 2019 6:00 PM â 8:00 PM
Pratt Sessions 17: Hernan Diaz Alonso, Eva Franch i Gilabert + David Erdman: Institutional Engagement(s) with Moderator Sanford Kwinter
Please join us in welcoming Hernan Diaz Alonso and Eva Franch i Gilabert for Pratt Sessions 17, part of the School of Architecture Public Lecture series. Diaz Alonso and Franch i Gilabert are career leading educators who oversee two of the most important Architecture schools globally. They will be joined by Pratt SoA Chair of Graduate Architecture David Erdman to present and discuss their respective institutions and more specifically how their graduate programs engage various contexts through pedagogy and research. While the three schools and their graduate programs share many characteristics, there are also distinct differences that cultivate various opportunities for engagement extending beyond their differences of geography and cosmopolitanism. Moderated by GAUD Prof. Sanford Kwinter, the discussion seeks to identify how these three leaders and their institutions remain devoted to teaching and learning, design and theory while actively transforming models of education and institutional engagement.
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