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PRATT SESSIONS 16: Andrew Zago + Mark Lee

October 24, 2019 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Objects, Figures, and Fields

Mark Lee (Cambridge + LA) – Partner JohnstonMarklee & Associates Cambridge + Los Angeles, Chairperson, Graduate School of Design (GSD) + Professor in Practice; Harvard University
Andrew Zago (LA) – Andrew Zago, Principal Bouwman Zago Architecture (LA). Design Faculty, Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) + Clinical Professor, School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Chicago.

We are pleased to welcome Mark Lee and Andrew Zago to inaugurate our Fall 2019 Pratt Sessions Lectures in the School of Architecture. Both Andrew and Mark are influential educators whose completed projects and installations are equally distinctive and impactful. Drawing and modeling underpin the effects of their designs; though in different ways. Where the work of JohnstonMarklee trends toward subtractive methods, Zago Architecture lists toward the accumulative. In the work and teaching of both Lee and Zago there is a notable tension between objects, figures and fields. Here, environment and inclusivity are activated through the dense, thick and porous qualities and experiences of their projects. While there are shared histories and geographies between them, it is their intense (yet different) focuses on architectural mediums that brings them together for PS16. We hope you will join us for what is certain to be an invigorated evening and discussion.

Reception and Pop Up Exhibition to follow the event with food from Korilla BBQ.