Pratt Research Talks – Nancy Smith – Animal-Computer Interaction and the Case of the Disappearing Bees
January 27, 2021 12:30 PM â 1:30 PM
This talk will explore key ideas in the emerging field of animal-computer interaction, and the ways in which our technologies are increasingly involved in the lives of animals. This creates both challenges and possibilities around sustainability, conservation, and animal wellbeing. I will share a particular case study around my research with bees, and will highlight some of the ways I have been thinking about animals and design.
Bio: Nancy Smith is an Assistant Professor in the School of Information, where she teaches in the Information Experience Design Program. Her primary research is focused on understanding the relationship between digital technologies and the environment, which includes work in sustainability, environmental justice, and speculative design. She has a Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction from Indiana University.
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Meeting ID: 975 7771 1384 Passcode: 762144