Pratt Research Talks: Lower Rio Grande: Diverse Peoples, Arid Landscapes, and the Built Environment
March 10, 2021 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Assistant professor Ane Gonzalez Lara will present her research on the Lower Rio Grande of New Mexico as part of her participation in the Architecture League’s American Roundtable project. In this project, seven features coming from diverse voices capture the challenges and potential of the lower Rio Grande Valley. These features include personal narratives, stories, and constituents that historically haven’t been included in the main narrative of this area. The report covers some of the leading issues that the region faces today, such as legacies of environmental racism, water scarcity, border security, indigenous rights, agricultural distress, and many more.
Ane Gonzalez Lara is an assistant professor of undergraduate architecture at Pratt Insitute’s School of Architecture and the co-founder of Idyll Studio. Her professional work with Idyll balances social and cultural concerns with extensive formal and material research. Her design work has also won multiple international design competitions on interdisciplinary faculty teams. Her research interests include pedagogy, and social and climate justice topics as they relate to the built environment. She is the co-editor of the book The Routledge Companion to Architectural Pedagogies of the Global South that will be published in summer 2021.
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