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Pratt Ice Box Challenge: Empowering Tomorrow’s High Performance Designers

May 14, 2024 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Building Energy Exchange, 31 Chambers Street, Suite 608, New York, NY 10007

Architectural rendering of 2 Ice Box structures with the words

This event will celebrate and showcase student work from the Pratt Institute’s Ice Box Challenge. Originating from Brussels, Belgium, the Ice Box Challenge demonstrates the benefits of high energy efficiency Passive House strategies through a public scientific demonstration comparing two ice-filled boxes to see which keeps the heat out better. In the first-ever student-led initiative in the US, Pratt Institute students raised awareness about the role of high-performance buildings in reducing energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and combating climate change. Join us to celebrate their work and hear from experts in the field.


Loic Chappoz, Senior Advisor, NYSERDA
Joe Chavez, Deputy Director, Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice
In Cho, Co-Founder, Passive House for Everyone
Jeremias Emestica, Student, Pratt Institute
Tyler Haas, Student, Pratt Institute
Todd Kimmel, US Senior Manager – Sustainable Solutions, Rockwool
Ken Levenson, Executive Director, The Passive House Network
Carolyn Shafer, Director, Center for Sustainable Design Strategies, Pratt Institute
Richard Yancey, Executive Director, Building Energy Exchange

This event is open to the public.