Pratt Earth Action Week: Meditation and Sound Healing
September 25, 2020 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Led by Joelle Danant, Program Director, Credit Continuing Education Instructor, and Lecturer, Continuing and Professional Studies, Athletics
Sponsored by Pratt SCPS’s Mind & Body Integrative Program
Meditation, sound healing, and chanting contribute to sustainability by elevating our vibrations and fostering balance toward wholeness. Starting with a guided meditation on the Elements—Earth, Air, Water & Light (Part 1)—we shift our attention from receiving their goodness, to giving back by sending compassion, gratitude, and blessings to the Life that sustains us. Part Two of this session consists of a sound healing session using world acoustic instruments, followed by an invitation to join our voices in life-affirming chants (using original music) for upliftment of self and the world.
Audience: All are welcome who are interested in cultivating effective balancing practices for self & the planet. No prior experience necessary.
Pratt Earth Action Week
Pratt School of Continuing and Professional Studies
Pratt Integrative Mind and Body Program