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Post-Radical Design Pedagogy Lecture Series: Design, Race and Speculation—from Horror to the Specter

October 30, 2020 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Join Lauren Williams and John Jennings in a conversation that explores their respective practices through the speculative dimensions of design, race, and time. The entanglement of these in the presenters’ practices are both banal and charged with rage and monstrous horror. Yet in their own ways, one sees their work as responding to Walidah Imarisha’s assertion that “all organizing is science fiction… moving beyond the boundaries of what is possible or realistic, into the realm of what we are told is impossible.” What does a liberated Black future look like? What is it made out of? How does it come to be?

Please register here!


Post-Radical Pedagogy was convened as a space to explore, antagonize, challenge, and interrogate institutional values and legacies. The program operates as a vehicle to activate pedagogical practice through and against institutional inertia.

This year, the Post-Radical Design Pedagogy Lecture Series explores the way white supremacy pervades design pedagogy from institutional policy, curricular language to everyday interactions and technological reliance in the studio.

Lectures happen on the last Friday of the month. Stay tuned for more announcements this semester! Follow @post_radical_pedagogy on Instagram or check out for updates!