Political Intimacy II
December 11, 2021 – January 11, 2022 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Political Intimacy is a collaboration between Recess: Assembly and Pratt Institute students that demystifies and humanizes how we interact with our local electoral system. Through a series of interviews that double as collage-making sessions with our political representatives, we aim to highlight the issues we care about– housing, environmental justice, healing, education reform– through creative action and alternative forms of dialogue. How do we create and record different forms of political conversation to understand each other in a deeper way and to move towards social change together?
Recess: Assembly offers system-impacted young people aged 18-26 an inroad to art and connections to working artists while serving as an alternative to incarceration and its intersecting systems of oppression. The Political Intimacy + Assembly curriculum empowers young people to take charge of their own life story and envision a future through art.