New Old: Designing for Our Future Selves
May 26, 2020 12:00 PM â 2:00 PM
Facebook Live Talk: A discussion with Jeremy Myerson and Paul Priestman
Though the Pratt Manhattan Gallery is temporarily closed, we invite you to join this Facebook live event in conjunction with New Old: Designing for Our Future Selves. The exhibition opened on February 6 and closed to the public due to social distancing precautions on March 16.
New Old curator Jeremy Myerson, the Helen Hamlyn Professor of Design, Royal College of Art will discuss design for older adults with Paul Priestman, Designer, Chairman of the firm PriestmanGoode whose project Scooter For Life was commissioned for the exhibition.
New Old is a touring exhibition from the Design Museum, London, in partnership with the Helen Hamlyn Trust. Sponsored by AXA PPP Healthcare with additional support from Versus Arthritis. The exhibition is sponsored by The Achelis & Bodman Foundation at Pratt Manhattan Gallery.
Image credit: Scooter for Life by PriestmanGoode. Designed to offer a reliable product and brand that can accompany you throughout your life, as your mobility requirements evolve.
For questions, contact
@prattexhibits @designmuseum @priestmangoode #NewOld