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Learning with the RETI Center and the Gowanus Canal

October 19, 2023 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

RETI Center at 701 Columbia Street, Brooklyn, NY

Gowanus Canal is a waterway in continuous turmoil and transition. We will meet with Gita Nandan, R.A. founder and board chair at the RETI Center, and learn about their resilience work including the Climate Lab, floating BlueBlock Gardens, Sugar Kelp Aquaculture project, and more. We will then have a chance to listen to the water with hydrophones, do some DIY testing of the canal’s water, and develop prompts for different ways of experiencing or sensing the canal. We will present our prompts in an exhibition the following week on Pratt’s campus. RSVP is required for this event. When we receive your RSVP, we will prepare your kit and send you directions.

This event is co-hosted with Critic-at-Large Harriet Harriss in the Graduate Center for Planning & the Environment and the Industrial Design Department with Swati Piparsania.