Film Screening and Discussion: The Bombing of Osage Avenue
March 26, 2019 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Film Screening and Discussion: The Bombing of Osage Avenue
With Documentary Filmmaker Louis Messiah
Join us for a screening of the extraordinary film The Bombing of Osage Avenue by filmmaker and videographer Louis Massiah, which examines the destruction of an African American neighborhood in Philadelphia by state violence.
A MacArthur Foundation Fellow, Massiah is known for addressing important but often-neglected subjects with integrity, insight, and artistry. His producing and directing credits include Trash (1985), W.E.B. Du Bois: A Biography in Four Voices (1995), Cecil B. Moore (1987), and Louise Alone Thompson Patterson: In Her Own Words (2002).
He also produced two films for the PBS series Eyes on the Prize II (1990) and the five-channel permanent video installation for the National Park Service’s President’s House historic site. Louis Massiah is also the founder and director of the Scribe Video Center in Philadelphia, a media arts center that provides workshops and equipment access to community groups and emerging independent media makers. He has developed community media production methodologies that assists first- time makers in using media as a creative tool for authoring their own history.
The film will inaugurate Massiah’s two weeks as an SLAS Scholar-in-Residence at Pratt.
Sponsors: The School of Liberal Arts and Sciences (SLAS), The Departments of Humanities and Media Studies (HMS), and the Department of Film/Video