After Affirmative Action (Part II): Identifying Whiteness in Higher Education
November 13, 2023 12:30 PM â 1:30 PM
The Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) and the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) are excited to invite all faculty and staff to a thought-provoking two-part series of Interactive Conversations on the critical topics of Affirmative Action and Race in Higher Education . As we engage in meaningful dialogue, we will delve into the historical and legal context of recent Supreme Court rulings on affirmative action and explore their potential implications in our institutional, classroom, and personal contexts.
(Part II) After Affirmative Action: Identifying Whiteness in Higher Education – November 13, 12:30â1:30 pm (Virtual) — Building upon the concepts explored in our first event, including the myth of race neutrality, the second part of the series will allow participants to consider and unpack whiteness as a habit that shapes not only bodies but also the spaces that bodies inhabit (Ahmed, 2011, p.156). This interactive conversation is an opportunity to learn, engage, and foster a deeper understanding of race neutrality and the impact of whiteness in higher education.
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