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Interfolio for ARPT (Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure)

Beginning in academic year 18-19, Pratt began using the online, third-party platform Interfolio for the “Faculty Action” Process. Rather than submitting hard copy documentation for Faculty Actions, including reappointment, promotion, change of status, and tenure, emeritus and sabbatical applications, the process will happen digitally through Interfolio. Note that moving forward, all applications for emeritus and sabbaticals are now part of the Interfolio platform.

Interfolio’s Review, Promotion & Tenure is a secure, online collaboration platform that provides customizable tools to facilitate all of the documents, workflows, data, committees, communication, and outcomes associated with review-based academic decisions. Thus, faculty from each department worked to customize the platform to each department’s individual, faculty-generated and approved standards and procedures for reappointment, promotion, change of status, and tenure.

The decision to change to Interfolio came about as a collaboration between the Provost’s Office and the Faculty Union. As dictated by the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Pratt and the faculty union, The United Federation of College Teachers local 1460,  each department / school / or area’s ARPT standards and procedures can be found on the union’s document repository here.

All Pratt faculty will be added to Interfolio with their Pratt email address. You will be able to access your account by clicking sign in, and selecting a single sign on option either by signing Google and using your Pratt gmail account, or by searching for your partner institution, from there you will be prompted to enter your Pratt one key credentials. If you have any questions about access or the Interfolio tool, please contact Laurel Voss, Associate Provost for Integrated Planning and Faculty Affairs ,

View the complete Faculty Actions Calendar for Academic Year 2023-2024, with actions effective Academic Year 2024-25