Check your degree audit to make sure that you have no outstanding grades, obligations, or financial charges that would prevent you from receiving your degree.
Request tickets for the commencement ceremony during the ticket request period (February 28, 2025 – March 7, 2025). This invite will come to your Pratt email address. If you did not receive the email by February 28, 2025, email
Only students being awarded degrees in Summer 2024, Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025, or Summer 2025 can participate in the commencement ceremony.
Order or secure the appropriate regalia by March 25, 2025 if you will be attending the commencement ceremony.
Review the details for your Pratt diploma via the graduation application (grad app), including 1) how your name will appear and 2) the mailing address for your paper diploma. All graduating students can also opt in to receive a digital diploma.
Graduates who are U.S. citizens – don’t forget to update your voter registration information if you are moving to a new address.
Fall Semester: The commencement ceremony date will be announced!
November 22, 2024: Graduation Kick-Off event in the Student Union! Find out if you have enough credits to graduate and that your application to graduate went through. We’ll also take a class photo.
December 11, 2024: Deadline to apply to graduate. This will let the Registrar’s Office know you are ready to complete your journey at Pratt Institute, receive your diploma, and become an alum!
February 28 – March 7, 2025: Request your tickets for the Commencement Ceremony! The form will be emailed on February 28 to all students who filled out the Grad App.
Ticket Details: 2 guest tickets will be available to every student who completed the Grad App by the 12/11/24 deadline and respond to this ticket form by the 3/7/25 deadline. We will collect extra ticket requests and distribute them as they become available.
Mid-late March2025 – Check your Pratt email! Extra tickets (if available) will be offered to students who requested them, but you must respond YES in the extra ticket form to claim them.
March 7, 2025 – deadline to order your regalia (cap and gown).
April 29, May 2, and May 3, 2025 – Pick up your regalia and honors cords (if applicable) at the Grad Fair, hosted in Manhattan and Brooklyn campuses.
May 2025: Tickets will be accessible in the MSG app.
Mid-May 2025 – Attend the Commencement Ceremony at Radio City Music Hall! Date to be announced.